Like theres shyt u learn n skool that makes u ask urself "when the hell am I gunna have to use this difficult shyt n the real world"... Negative numbers is one of the few dumbass lessons that u will have to use though, but why?
Do they just do it to confuse children and make it harder to freakin graduate?
1. Just say a mother is teaching her 4year old simple math, She’ll say

(one apple plus another one apple will equal two apples)
Now say she takes it a step further and tries to teach her child negative numbers

How does this woman go about showing her son the value of sumthing that caint fuckin be there? it makes no sense!
2. How do bank statements type: BALANCE: -$54.92
----Like how the hell do they enable us to spend money that’s not even in our fuckin account and then penalize us 4 it?
3.How can I give sumone negative 5 dollars. Like at the end of the day, if your negative anything whether it be money, sex, sense or even apples, u just DON’T FUCKIN GOT NONE, so your ZERO, O, ZILCH!!!! COMPRENDE
….therefore the creation of the negative number shall die and come to an end, and I should get millions of dollas of tax payers money for making life easier on the world! That’s y the U.S. is in debt ryt now, because theyre spending money they don’t have, BUT HOW IN THE HELL DO U SPEND MONEY YOU DON’T HAVE??? Can I go into Gucci and say “AYO BITCH, IM BUYING THIS PURSE WITH THE MONEY I DON’T HAVE, SO JUS PUT IT ON MY LIST OF DEBT”?
.....I come in Gucci with zero bux; I leave outta Gucci with zero items
….unless it’s a hottie in there that recognizes Kandyz flyosity thru the aura she gives off!
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