So this 1 is a short tribute to Kam...no homo, but I Love You Cuhz. You're the reason y I have "post material on my blogsite" on my to do list in my iPhone. And 4 that, I thank u. Ive always had the brightest ass ideas, weird ass convos about shyt that pops up n my head and the world shall really be enlightened! So this is giving me the opportunity to enlighten niggas on WATTHEEFF(kam's blogspot) goes on in KANDYZLAND! (nice lil plug ryt there, man I wish I got paid for this)...well thanks kam and imma need u 2 show me sum simple ish that I fail to be able to do regarding computers and blogging.I feel like its a new era or sumthing, like when "scrapbooking" was popular for the average ass boring white woman with lil rigrats, blogging is becoming the niggas "NEW VOICE"!
awww my lil Kay.Jay.Nay is dope! Love you Hunnie thanks for the